onsdag 7 september 2011

Bilingual Bloggin'

After being nudged, bullied and begged for years (well, in my dreams anyway) to extend my blogging into English I have finally decided to do it and how. There will be a separate blog, this one, that is kept exclusively in English! It may or may not be the same entries as the Swedish ones - meaning that those who read both languages may have an additional post to read now and then!
They will have separate adresses and separate links from the homepage - which by the way is kajsaberglind.se or kajsaberglind.com if you hadn't found it already!
The Swedish blog is at kajsaberglind.blogspot.com
So entering the new domain of  writing and creating this will be a platform and a reflection area, where I can ponder on this and that and deepen my understanding through your comments!

Looking forward to it!

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