fredag 9 september 2011

this thing about Healing....

Today I started a blog post - but it turned into a large number of pages about Healing and Energy Medicine! I was just starting to write to begin my journey "out of the closet"  and publish some thoughts, but it kept flowing and got much too long to be published here.

A key quote I have kept with me for a long time is (if I remember correctly, its been a long time) from Francesco Alberoni and his book about Love and Infatuation published 1979(nor sure about the title in english as I read it in Swedish). "To gently bring someone back to themselves…" To me this is what healing is all about. Our path to brings us to (or back to) Who We Really Are. Our core. The eternal part of our soul, or whatever you wish to call it. There is a huge and all-encompassing metaphysical perspective around healing there… and also a quite down-to-earth one.

Talking about Healing in Sweden evokes many reactions in people. I hear lots of images and associations. Some people see faith healers in churches chanting in gibberish and getting people in wheelchairs to walk. Others see Philippine medicine men taking bloody lumps out of a persons abdomen without opening the skin, some see charlatans and false mediums - and some get genuinely curious, attracted and interested.

Most people seem to have the idea that healing is a gift given to a chosen few. Something you are born to do. Not something you can go to school and learn. Its also commonly seen as very unstructured and "off-the-wall" and think that you have to believe in it for it to work.

In my view, none of that is true. You don't have to believe at all, it works nicely anyway. "Can't hurt, might help" is what I often hear myself say. And going to school is just what I have done! Yes, I had a grandmother who knew lots of things, used her herbs and could pull a dislocated shoulder right and cure stomach-aches. That helps of course, not least for the belief that those things are possible. But most things I have learned by reading, practicing, going to courses and to school - a four year professional training that can even lead to a Bachelor in Healing Science in the states with a few added courses. (more info and links on my homepage if you are interested)

My take on it is that everyone can do this. I know we can. We have just forgotten. And some people, of course, have more talent than others, just like we do for jumping high or playing chess. We naturally put our hands on the place that hurts on ourselves or our kids. Thats how its been done for ages. Thats how we still do it. And thats where it starts. "Healing for Household needs". That is where I will be focusing from now on.

And now I will continue to write what started as a blogpost and turned into a tenth of a book… :-)

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